How to Map a Key to a Lua Function in Neovim

Learn how to set a keymap to invoke a Lua function in Neovim. This guide provides step-by-step instructions with a code example, making it easy to integrate Lua functions into your Neovim Plugin.

What is vim.keymap.set?

The vim.keymap.set function in Neovim is a modern and flexible way to create key mappings. It allows you to map a key directly to a Lua function, providing seamless integration with Lua scripting.

Function Signature

  • vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) -> nil


  • mode: The mode(s) in which the key mapping applies (e.g., 'n' for normal mode, 'i' for insert mode).
  • lhs: The key sequence to trigger the mapping (left-hand side).
  • rhs: The Lua function to execute or a string representing a command (right-hand side).
  • opts (optional): A table of options to customize the mapping.

Common Options

  • desc: A description of the mapping (useful for documentation in :map output).
  • silent: Suppress command echo (default false).
  • noremap: Prevent remapping (default true).


-- Define a Lua function
local function greet_user()
  print("Hello, welcome to Neovim!")

-- Map the function to the key
vim.keymap.set('n', ',,', greet_user, { desc = "Greet the user" })

-- Or execute it inside the function
vim.keymap.set('n', ',,', function()
end, { desc = "Greet the user" })